Monday, March 16, 2015

¡Vienvenidos al fuego de El Salvador!‏ Welcome to the fire of El Salvador!

March 9, 2015
Today was a P-day with the whole oriente part of El Salvador. We all went to San Miguel to play soccer. It was fun and hot. Kind of boring actually because we only played for like 30 minutes and then everyone was done because it was so hot. When P-day was over, this family invited us to go eat pupusas in Conchagua up on the volcano. The dad gave me a cut off shirt that says "Bula Fiji". It´s a shirt directly from Fiji. He is a fisherman that is away from home 8 months out of the year. Later we ate garlic pupusas and took pictures. It was really fun but tiring.
March 10, 2015
Today was a more successful day. A lot of people were more open to us so we got a lot of references and a new investigator. Today was blazing hot and my companion and I, we both went through a package of 25 bags of water each. We had a person argue with us that Adam was not a prophet and that prophets are perfect. It was quite fun. My shoes are starting to come off in the front >.< not again! Too much walking. Time for a timeout.
March 11, 2015
Today was a quick day. We were on interchanges with the Zone leaders because my companion had to do a baptism interview for an investigator for them. It wa fun, we got a couple lessons in, we places a baptism date for one our investigators so now we have 6 people that should get baptized the 21th. We later had Ward Council which was long and boring because I am new to the area so I didn´t know anything. That´s really it for the day.
March 14, 2015
Today was a very successful day. We found a new family of 5, received a lot of people. We visited a less active and let us pick some Jalapeños and red chilis from his garden. I´m so determined to eat them but I´m afraid haha. Earlier we went to the "Orilla del mar" and took some beautiful pictures of the gulf of honduras. We saw some kids throwing something into the water but we didn´t know what it was. It turned out to be a Garobo which is a big lizard that they love to catch and eat. We have a big one on top of our roof. We took a picture holing this one and with the kids. There was a baptism of the other companionship. I also fixed a broken pila and repaired a shattered water spicket, thank you PVC glue haha. I have this mysterious rash on my right arm and neck and it´s so off because it doesn´t itch. I do also have heat rash and a sunburn haha. ¡Bienvenidos al fuego de El Salvador!
Sorry I don´t have pictures right now because I forgot them in the house but I´ll send them next P-day.
Moroni 8:25-26
25  Y las primicias del arrepentimiento es el bautismo; y el bautismo viene por la fe para cumplir los mandamientos; y el cumplimiento de los mandamientos trae la remisión de los pecados;
 26  y la remisión de los pecados trae la mansedumbre y la humildad de corazón; y por motivo de la mansedumbre y la humildad de corazón viene la visitación del Espíritu Santo, el cual Consolador llena de esperanza y de amor perfecto, amor que perdura por la diligencia en la oración, hasta que venga el fin, cuando todos los santos morarán con Dios.

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