Friday, February 20, 2015

Change of Events

Well what an interesting 2 weeks. Where do I start? Well I was in San Vicente for 2 weeks, having a decent time, new compañero, new área. I guess I may have been feeling a little home sick, for the past couple months. I was having thoughts of just leaving, in my mind it seemed easy, just go home. Well I decided to talk to Presidente about it. He definitely changed my mind. Theres a lot of reasons why we go on our missions, the purpose is great, we may not even know what that purpose is but we shouldn't doubt it. I want to thank those of you that helped me in this time of need to change my mind. President sent me to the Mission office for the rest of this change. I´m an assistant to the general secretary. There is a high change that I´ll stay in the office and if I do, I´ll become the general secretary for the mission. This is a lot of responsibility. Practically in charge of everything. Our days are really different. We go to the office at 9 every day and leave at 4. There rest of the day we do proselyting. There are 6 of us in one house. I love my new gringo compañeros. On wednesday we were at Lowes to buy a ladder for the house and this guy stopped us. He told that he was the owner of the biggest oil company in Centroamérica and he works for the US government in oil trade too. He tried giving us money because he loves what we do. He was like "Oh I dropped a 20$, um, pick it up and it´s yours". We didn´t take it but he invited us to ice cream so that was good. He told us to keep in contact with him and ask him if we needed anything haha ;) Last night was an interesting night. My compañeros and the other misioneros played a initiation joke on me. They changed the number of one of their phones to the number of the office phones. Then he kept calling my companions phone and every time he picked it up, it would be all static but with some words. I started to get scared. And then this kept going on until the lights shut off. I was done haha I went into the fetal position. After this kept going on there was a phone call that said "welcome to the district" and then they all started laughing and after that I knew it was a joke. haha. Well that is like my week, nothing much. The area is cool, a lot of hills. Oh yeah and I´m in the city of San Salvador which is the capital. There is a lot of people. We have a personal taxi that drives everywhere if we need to go somewhere far. We also have a washing machine in our house so that awesome. I make phone calls to like everyone in the mission asking for numbers of certain things, for directions of recibidas and a lot of other things. I really like it. My mindset has changed a lot. Thank you all. 
Moroni 8:25-26
25  Y las primicias del arrepentimiento es el bautismo; y el bautismo viene por la fe para cumplir los mandamientos; y el cumplimiento de los mandamientos trae la remisión de los pecados;
 26  y la remisión de los pecados trae la mansedumbre y la humildad de corazón; y por motivo de la mansedumbre y la humildad de corazón viene la visitación del Espíritu Santo, el cual Consolador llena de esperanza y de amor perfecto, amor que perdura por la diligencia en la oración, hasta que venga el fin, cuando todos los santos morarán con Dios.

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